Wallpaper Updater is a program that will allow users to manage and change the desktop wallpaper.
The program is able to use images that you have saved on your computer, or in a Picassa album. It can change the image size in order to cover all the screen. You can set it to change the wallpaper everyday, every week or every month. You can set the program to change the wallpaper at the beginning of a new period. It is possible to choose which images you do not want the program to use, entering them in a Black List. The images can be selected randomly, or in sequence. If you choose to use your Picassa Album images, you will need to ask authorization to your Google account. It did not work for me, maybe because of connection problems.
At the bottom of the program´s interface you will see the name of the picture that is your actual wallpaper. When the picture is clicked, the program will open the folder where it is saved (if you are using the photos from a local drive), or the Picassa Album, if you are using one.